General FAQ's

The Monterey Prayer Breakfast team scrambled to make it happen, but we are backing our first Praying Church the first week of June on the 4th and 5th.

We understand that people have varying schedules and availability.  We let the Hosting Churches choose the scheduling, but encourage each of them to select varying times in the day.  Thus some may be early morning, some may be at lunch, and some in the evening.  

Calvary Monterey chose to cover all of them with 26 straight hours of prayer.

The Prayer

The Prayer events take place throughout the Monterey Peninsula dependent on where the churches are located.  Our first is just outside of Downtown Monterey on the way to Salinas.  (3001 Highway 68)

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We will only keep you up to date with only emails about events – no spam will be spent.

The the Monterey Prayer Breakfast Events normally loses thousands of dollars in holding each event (covering a port of the costs for each attendee so as to make it affordable for all.)

  These Prayer Vigils are designed to be free events focusing solely on Prayer & Worship.  Yet we do have expenses of operating websites, print advertising, worship employment expenses and communication costs.  Expenses are well controlled, so even your small donations provide a big impact on the Kingdom.

The the Monterey Prayer Breakfast Events normally loses thousands of dollars in holding each event (covering a port of the costs for each attendee so as to make it affordable for all.)

  These Prayer Vigils are designed to be free events focusing solely on Prayer & Worship.  Yet we do have expenses of operating websites, print advertising, worship employment expenses and communication costs.  Expenses are well controlled, so even your small donations provide a big impact on the Kingdom.

How Can I Participate FAQ's

There are many areas where we could use your help – even on an occassional basis.  We continually have followup with those who attend.  We also need help withoutreach to pastors at other churches to joing the network.  Do you like working on Social Media? Database Management? Supporting Prayers?

Just Give our We Pray Monterey Chair a Call :  Bob Faulis (833) 880-8880

Yes, donations help.  Consider donating time and/or money to help encourage others to pray fervently in Monterey.  Give a call to Bob Faulis, Chair  (833) 880-8880  or fill out this form:


YES!  Please do.  The purpose of We pray Monterey is to unify all the churches and church body as one in corporate pray.  Feel free to attend any church sponsored vigil.  In fact, why not encourage your pastor to hold your own Prayer Vigil.  We’ll send out a team to knock on your neighbors doors and invite them to attend.

Yes, that is where we need the most hel[ – getting out in the community and speaking with others.  Give Bob Faulis, Chair a call (833) 880-8880

SIGN UP Announce your attendance and prayer focus


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